“Beauty in Shaky Times – the Everlasting ROCK”

Fast forward a month after I wrote my previous post below, I have been made redundant from my full time job.

Regardless it might have been “obvious” (the industry in which I worked – hotel and hospitality have got impacted real hard from the Covid19), the news was still shocking. But then all I looked forward to was my last day working. The least thing I wanted to deal with everything work-related. It’s like you were dump by your ex; the least thing you wanted to do was to clean up his belongings, or got asked questions about him and his stuff by other people (haha).

I cried when it happened. I cried a lot, and especially I also missed my mum more than the usual. The pain losing her is incomparable with losing this job. “This is only a job”, I told myself. It surely feels less burdensome to go through the redundancy after I have undergone the grief of losing my mother.

I simply believe God works in seasons, when one door closed the other door opens. I just need to follow where He leads me to.

This has strengthened my conviction even deeper, that only God is my strong foundation, only He is my Everlasting ROCK.

Through it all His words remain to be my steadfast anchor, it keeps me secured and not sinking to the bottomless sea of sadness, self-pity, and desperation.

God is good, He is always good.

This happened just two weeks ago, my last day working was last week and how I am so relieved.

There is beauty from shaky times. When the storm passed you can see a new horizon opens up. It helps you to see WHAT is truly important, and WHO deserves your utmost priority.

I am now simply embracing the slower pace of life, I feel like I have been given second chance. Isn’t this grace in time of need.

It is effortless to be joyful when things go well. When you receive a promotion, when your spouse treats you well, when your kid/s obey you exactly the way you want them to, when you get lovely thing/s, when you obtain approval or praise matter to you.

The world is at the same page with us on this.

However, without His Holy Spirit living in us it’d be impossible to rejoice through the trials. To still have joy in the midst of loss, grief, pain, betrayal, lies, distrust. Our human nature is not programmed to process and welcome these things in life. And yet that is exactly life brings. Life on this earth is never designed to be perfect, never purposed to be steady.

Once again, only Him – the Everlasting ROCK is unshakeable.

May we never lose sight on His immense grace and our purpose of life we have in Him.

Keep your hope up in the right Person. Stay safe, take care, and until next post 🙂

“You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast,

Because they trust in You.

Trust in the Lord forever,

For the Lord, the Lord Himself,

Is the Rock eternal” – Isaiah 26:3-4

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