Best Parenting Tip… PRAY!

I somehow believe that every parents must have prayed for their children; and praying for their (1) safety and (2) health perhaps are the most frequent prayer topic parents do. 

As Christ-followers though, do our prayers go way beyond that?

Most times I don’t remember to pray for my daughter’s spiritual life and other “unseen aspect of her life”. I also still need to instill the truth that “having strong faith in Christ” is more crucial than praying for her success in this world life. 

Of course all of us want our children to be successful, but is it the kind of “success” by the one that this world defines, or success as GOD pleases? (Even I as a woman have had a struggle on this matter – I’ve shared it a whileee ago, sometime in early last year on #crunchynatsjournal (hashtag on Instagram), as well on this blog

And yet I have witnessed and experienced, how PRAYERS for my daughter are trully effective much more than any other “parenting methods” (perhaps I can share this one day). 
It is now between me and God, something that I want and asking God for help; for this conviction to live in me practically everyday, for me to have zeal and to ‘remember’ praying for my daughter, not just a “come and go” but to pray fervent prayers for her. 

I just feel eventhough I am her mother and it is part of my calling to pray for her willingly, I still cannot do it FAITHFULLY without having Holy Spirit in me helping me (this is for a long haul!). 
If you’re also a parent, let’s embark on this journey together 😊 There are many books that can help us to pray for our children, many ideas to inspire us; yet above all we need Him to help us to pray in the midst of our own weaknesses. 

Romans 8:26 

In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.

The best parenting tip… PRAY! – Lysa Terkeust #wellsaid 


