Let the Faith Speaks!

As this morning I sit holding my pen with empty papers from my journal staring at me, I pour out my heart to God… Could I be facing a situation like Noah?

You know, God asked him to build an ark, warning him a big flood would destroy the earth in due time… But there wasn’t even any rain yet! Yet he obeyed. He prepared all, he built it, regardless all people in town ridiculed him, mocking him. He just focused on what God has put in his heart. This one purpose, one desire: to build an ark with the measurements as what the Lord instructed.

Well, I don’t really know when the bible wrote “So God said to Noah…” (Gen 6:13-21).. in what way did God speak to Noah? Did He speak audibly? Showing His manifested presence to Noah in a form of thick clouds, fire, and there was a sound telling him what to do from it? But then the bible clearly said, “Noah did everything just as God commanded him” (Gen 6:22).


So, when I and my bf have this desire to go back to Indo, “restart” our life, building our happy family there, seeing Indo as a field where we can sow seeds for God’s kingdom and in due time, reaping the harvest as well-yet most of people whom I’ve told this plan saying to me, “what for? are you seriously want to leave your descent job and life here, and start all over again in Indo?”, I don’t really know whether we are facing the same situation as Noah did at his time…


God do not speak audibly to us, yet we have this desire in our heart. I also remember the messages I’ve been getting throughout the past months, “just believe!”… human, yes that includes me, tend to use their mind and brain more than what we require… let the faith speaks!

Well, the conclusion for this morning is, I just believe somehow God will speak more about this matter…

He will share His heart to us whenever we are willing to seek Him… Based on my past experiences, He never leave me in uncertainty… He always give me the answer, all answer is in His Son, Jesus Christ… in a time that is never too late, never too early… I just have a faith on that…

Then He put this song of praise in my lips to sing and adore Him:

“Apa yg tak pernah dilihat mata,

yg tak pernah didengar telinga,

yg tak pernah timbul di dlm hati,

smua disediakan, bagi yg mengasihi Dia.

Allah sanggup melakukan segala perkara,

dulu, skarang, dan slamanya,

kuasaNya tdk berubah,


Allah sanggup melakukan segala perkara,

dulu, skarang, dan slamanya,

kuasaNya tak berubah”


This song is inspired by God’s own words in 1 Corinthians 2:9

“No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived

what God has prepared for those who love Him”


This morning, this is what He speaks to me… and I believe, yes, I believe… He is faithful to His words… 🙂

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