Change Me, Lord


Most dangerous, yet powerful three-words prayer we can utter 🙂

“No, not my turn again to change! Why it has always be ME? He’s the one that needs to change!” 

Ever thinking (complaining) like this to God in your marriage?😜 

Sometimes I get discouraged to pray these “three-word prayer” over and over, but this morning (what a surprise), God reminded me to keep praying these words: 
“Change me Lord”

I am grateful though, through the prayer book I currently use as my guidance to pray for my husband (“The Power of Praying Wife” by Stormie Omartian), it says that “God sees things we don’t. He knows where we have room for improvement” (and seem like there will always be!) 

And “submission to our husband is something that we give from our heart, not something demanded of you“. Maybe it can be said as our sacrifice offering to the Lord. 
If I see it in this way, I would not see it as mere obligation or duty as a Christ-follower wife, to becoming submissive to my husband. It’s my sweet offering to my Lord Jesus. Something that I willingly do, not someting that is forcefully taken from me. 

I am thankful for another conviction and strength given, it’s amazing how God can use anything to speak to you 😊 

To end, here’s another words from the book that encourage me too:

“Dying to yourself is always painful. Especially when you are convinced that the other person needs more changing than you. But this kind of pain leads to life

“He who loses his life for My sake will find it” (Matt 10:39)

Share your experience in the comments box below :)